By submitting my order below I agree to ongoing monthly charges for newsletter services beginning 6 weeks from the date of this order and based on the number of email addresses in my mailing list. I understand that there will be no monthly charge during the first 6 weeks of my service, and that if I cancel my account within 6 weeks of this order I will receive a full refund of the setup fee. I understand that I may still terminate my service at any time after the 6-week trial period.
I have reviewed the pricing plans listed at, and I understand that The Agent Guide LLC/Tools For Real Estate may adjust my monthly billing amount up or down to match the pricing plan my contact list belongs in.
I agree to abide by the Terms and Conditions available at, and if I use my account to send my own emails I agree to: not send emails to any purchased or scraped email list; not send spam; to send only information related to real estate.